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Business Reopening Lessons From China for CEO's of The World -

Business Reopening Lessons From China - Huanxi Media Group

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As more and more businesses around the world anxiously wait for removal of lockdown restrictions

And CEO’s spending large hours on drawing boards with managements & core teams  to work out what strategies to be adopted for their products and services,  where  a massive disruption, demand contraction, revenue freeze has led to a situation where consumers demand &  expectations for their same products in post corona virus era will undergo 360* changes

Here’s a quick lesson from A chinese movie production house Huanxi Media Group::

The production house has announced release of their  movie ” Lost In Russia ” for 12 Jan, 2020 coinciding with “Chinese New Year: 

This period is equivalent of #deewali time #release in #bollywood film industry where production houses historically have raked in big moolah as people throng to movie houses for entertainment during holidays and rise in discretionary spending and is the time where bollywood film industry has given their biggest hits in the last 2 decades  

As release date drew closer,  China was seeing rapid increase in number of #coronapandemic infection & #communityspread of #chinesevirus in #wuha #beijing #shanghai and other chinese cities leading to rapid surge in  number of infections & fatalities leading to deaths 

The CEO Steven Xiang, took note of the seriousness of the matter, went ahead with A  bold visionary decision laden with Risk & within 24 hours signed the exclusive deal with #Bytedance (owners of #tiktok and many other #videostreaming #platforms) & shifted the launch model from conventional theatres

And guess what came out:

1) 90 million dollar revenue 

2) 600 million views of the content  

3) In A single shot discovered unexplored segment & untapped customers  within #china for their #contentmarketing 

Key takeaways:

  1. Fast – Decisive _futuristic actions required, some will fail, one right can put your business on highway to growth
  1. Businesses without Digital transformation and automation may not be able to survive and overcome this #coronavirus shock 
  1. Study mind of the consumer through #marketresearch & tweak business models to meet fast changing expectations of customers


  1. Another very vital decision that the CEO’s and human Resource directors need to make fast is about safety and cooling of their offices for summer and monsoon months , there’s A massive fear perception in the mind of employees about spread of corona virus through air conditioners in office and since no covid safe air conditioner is available in India market, an alternative is available in the form of high power mist spray fans which can offer cost effective and safe solution and can work as a huge motivation to call back employees to work 

#lessons #management #businessschool #university #highereducationinUSA #Harvard #MIT #oxford #yale #cambridge #dukeuniversity #research #movieindustry #OTT #socialmediamarketing #contentmarketing #growthhacks #bigdata #analytics #insights #learnings #coaching #businessconsulting #economic #growth #gdp #cottonfacemask #workplacesafety #employees #motivation #managementstyle #CEOcoaching