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Result of ICMR Sero Survey , Findings of Sero Survey done by ICMR

Sero Survey Findings- done by ICMR & W.H.O

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icmr sero survey result
  • Result of Sero Survey Conducted by ICMR, India 

Indian Council of Medical research (ICMR) in partnership with Department of Health & Family welfare, National Centre for Disease Control (NCDC) with support extended by State Health Departments and important Stakeholder  World Health Organization (W.H.O). 

Methodology Used to Conduct Sero Survey by ICMR:

Sero Surveillance through IgG antibody test was carried out on 24,000 people  in randomly selected 69 districts spread across 21 states of India  cities. 

Venous Blood samples were collected from 400 randomly chosen participant’s  from 10 clusters in each district & SERA of these participant’s was tested for presence of IgG antibodies. 

Antibody tests were carried out using “Covid Kawach Elisa” developed by National Institute of Virology, Pune 

The list of participating (in alphabetical order) by ICMR in this SERO Survey is as below: 

  • Andhra Pradesh 
  • Assam 
  • Bihar
  • Chattisgarh 
  • Gujarat 
  • Jharkhand
  • Karnataka 
  • Kerala 
  • Madhya Pradesh 
  • Maharashtra 
  • Odisha
  • Punjab 
  • Haryana 
  • Rajasthan 
  • Tamil Nadu 
  • Telangana
  • Uttar Pradesh 
  • Uttarakhand 
  • Jammu & Kashmir 
  • Himachal Pradesh
  • West Bengal 

and the report of sero survey throws some vital data points which can guide data drive response and action to plan containment and stop growth of spread in future in the coming months.   

What’s Sero Surveillance: 

Sero Surveillance provides estimates of antibody levels against infectious disease and is considered the gold standard in measurement of population immunity due to vaccination or past infection , it’s really important component of disease surveillance 

The Key Result of Sero Survey Conducted by ICMR shows: 

  1. A Cumulative 6,468,388 Adult Infections (95% CI: 3,829,029-11,199,423) Were Estimated In India By The Early May, 2020
  2. The IFR In The Surveyed Districts From High Stratum, Where Death Reporting Was More Robust, Was 11.72 (95% CI: 7.21-19.19) To 15.04 (9.26-24.62) Per 10,000 Adults, Using May 24 And June 1, 2020 As Plausible Reference Points For Reported Deaths
  3. The Overall ICR Was Between 81.6 (95% CI: 48.3-141.4) And 130.1 (95% CI: 77.0-225.2) With May 11 And May 3, 2020 As Plausible Reference Points For Reported Cases. 
  4. 15-30% Of Population Living In These Hot Spots May Have Been Infected 
  5. The spread of corona virus is about 100-200% higher than reported number of cases 
  6. The Covid19 virus currently shows low exposure levels in Rural India 
  7. The migration of laborers from urban to rural area pose great risk where the next spike in spread of virus may come from rural india, hence heightened surveillance and containment measures needs to be adopted in tier 2 and tier 3 cities fighting corona virus 

Reference Study:;year=2020;volume=152;issue=1;spage=48;epage=60;aulast=Murhekar