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Experiencing Survivor's Guilt & How you can overcome- Corona Virus Mental Health Series -

How Do I Overcome The CoronaVirus Survivor's Guilt

mental health awareness| mental health quotes| mental health during lockdown| depression due to corona virus
depression due to covid 19| mental health & corona virus| anxiety due to corona virus| mental health and covid-19

Definition of Survivor Guilt:Survivor or Survivor’s Guilt is A mental Condition That Occurs when A person begins to believe that he’s done something wrong by surviving A traumatic event (like corona virus or covid 19) while others didn’t , often resulting in self guilt and low self esteem 

If you’ve been lucky due to heightened hygiene practises  including early adaption of #custom #facemask wearing habit, maintaining #socaildistancing during #lockdown, have survived the onslaught of #coronavirus since last few months and have been fortunate where none of your family members have been knocked down by #covid19

My only humble request and suggestion to all the fellow countrymen

The only way to overcome and beat the #survivorsguilt and to ensure that you remain in top control of your  mental health during #coronavirus & #covid19  is to stop enjoying the lockdown within the comfort of your urban air conditioned home and find ways to help end the misery of our less privileged citizens

How?? Step out on the road and begin contributing  towards their upliftment from hunger, unemployment and agony created by lack of apathy from ruling party, compounded by unplanned and seem unending lockdown of #coronavirus #covid19

Tips to Beat Survivor’s Guilt During #coronavirus :

  1. Do freshly cooked meals at home, pack in eco friendly boxes & go out for food distribution in nearby slums
  2. Start teaching school children, majority on the verge of dropping out of their schools forever due to loss of their parent’s employment for free in a community school
  3. Gift washable- reusable face masks, soaps, sanitization nano spray machines & disinfectant liquid bottles
  4. Donate sanitary pads for women
  5. Buy water and food purification tablets from  and give to school teachers or local community heads (you can contribute by spending as little as INR 7 per tablet )
  6. Don’t throw old shoes and sandals, instead get them repaired and create employment for neighborhood cobbler  
  7. Stop bargaining  on fruits and vegetables prices and purchase from local street vendors
  8. Appreciate efforts of local grocery store owners, courier staff, chemist store staff , food delivery boys, newspaper vendor and buy offline , become more compassionate, offer them meals when they come home to deliver , tip generously @Motherdairy @Amul
  9. Distribute bananas due to their healthy and nutritional value and as a source of energy food (read more about health benefits of Banana’s 
  10. Give advance salary and some perks to your car cleaner, ironman, driver, housemaids ahead of time
  11. With onset of monsoon and rainy season nearing, Donate umbrellas, waterproof shoes, old shoes and properly sanitized old clothes to needy , or call @Goonj Foundation
  12. Don’t delay car repairs , bike repairs, liquor purchase, new clothes and all such spend decisions which can have direct impact on the survival plus growth of the economic activity of @Incredible India
  13. If you’re a practicing doctor, lawyer or mental health expert, pls extend free services to the needy
  14. Don’t stop indulging in having a good time once in a while on yourself, buy a new pair designer shoes, new innerwear, lingerie , remember you will happily do service to the society only if you’re content yourself 
  15. And definitely go out, eat at local cafe or restaurant to save the dying Restaurant/Hotel industry where the lockdowns have put risk of employment  for almost 5 million indian citizens already and with little hope at the end of the tunnel 

Remember the true character of the society is revealed in how it treats it’s most vulnerable citizens

#jaihind #mentalhealthawareness #mentalhealth issues during corona virus # anxiety due to covid19 # depression due to coronavirus lockdown #layoff during coronavirus # Job losses in india due to covid19