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Coronavirus Testing -

Coronavirus Community Transmission

coronavirus community transmission| coronavirus community transmission in delhi| community transmission of covid-19| has community transmission of coronavirus started in India

Research done by Mr Ashish Jha from Harvard, Anna Mehrotra & David A Larsen suggests cost effective and economical method to test large sections of population and halt fast growth & community spread of coronavirus through waste water management and surveillance technique 


  1. With surveillance of waste water plants, the early warning signals about community spread of #coronavirs & #covid19 can be tracked as the virus traces appear 10-14 days in advance in stool when compared with regular laboratory tests 

2. The waste water surveillance technique is about 75% cheaper in comparison with traditional lab testing cost 


3. By focussing on just 5% water management plants, American civic and medical authorities can cover and track community  spread of coronavirus and covid19 for over 50% of american population 


4. The waste water surveillance method to stop growth of coronavirus in communities is already been used with fairly large success rate in Australia, Finland and Holland 

Has community spread of coronavirus & covid19 started in India?

if Indian Medical Association Chairman Dr Monga and Top Medical Experts Dr Arvind Kumar at Sir Ganga Ram Hospital are to be believed, the situation is looking grim with more than 30,000 cases being reported in India and alarming rise in number of patients from Rural India and Villages and states like MAdhya Pradesh, Karnataka, Andhra Pradesh, Tamil nadu, Goa and Kerala reporting surge in cases and number of patients 

Becomes very critical for state governments to learn from western nations who’ve better data and knowhow to contain the community spread  and adopt best practices to stop the community spread from impacting large sections of Indian population