Shall I send my kids to school Once Lockdown is Lifted

One big Dilemma which is causing in High Stress Levels in the Minds of Indian Parents and giving them Sleepless Nights, Shall I send my children to school after Lockdown is Lifted?

As more and more Indian working Parents wake up every morning with A looming threat over their own careers and incomes, another important topic which is causing huge anxiety at the back of their minds – Is my kids school safe and whether schools can give guarantee about health and safety in their premises ??
Despite best efforts made by schools at the beginning of the nationwide lockdown and quick shift of kids learning modules on #digital modes such as #zoom & #googlemeet which kept the kids rightly engaged with their learnings and also A huge legs up to remain virtually connected with their teachers and peers
Expert opinion is divided if Digital #classes can ever match the learnings offered by physical presence of children in school and classrooms as it’s an established fact that in addition to academics, the emotional safety net and emotional development space offered by schools to children plays A super critical role in the personality developments of kids
But the grim reality is before corona struck, except top schools in the country, not many schools paid enough attention to world class safety and security practices and all of A sudden school owners find themselves absolutely ill equipped to open schools where students can come and continue with their learnings immediately after the lock down
So on the similar lines of what majority of corporation, factories, airports, hotels and shopping malls, there’s urgent and compelling need for schools to beef up their sanitization protocols and make fresh investment in digitizing their spaces and also major readjustments may be required in transportation, classroom seating, cafeterias, libraries, computer labs and sports areas
Another two major concerns faced by the policy makers would be, while the students in urban cities may be able to continue their learnings through virtual mediums due to availability of fast and somewhat reliable internet availability, the same can’t be true in case of students in rural india where the kids education and learnings have absolutely come to A grinding halt as schools remain shut, teachers not able to meet- connect with students and non availability of safe and secure internet connectivity for them to study and learn while being away from schools
Would like to highlight another urgent and important need for schools to open at the earliest is increase in domestic violence cases as parents and kids spend maximum time at homes holed up , which has led to change in parent-children behavioral patterns, and longer shutdowns can only further increase this threat
It’s just a matter of time before the government will come out with nationwide guidelines and may take the ordinance route supporting the rising concern about safety of children in #schools and #colleges
While this is the case and situation in India, the policy makers before making any haphazard policy announcement are keeping A close watch on concerning news flowing out from #france which saw sudden #surge in number of fresh case outbreaks in #children as soon as schools were reopened and will take learnings in their stride to make perfectly measured calls on reopening of schools
What makes this case more strong for enhanced and immediate increase in safety and sanitization parameters of schools is the early stage outbreak in #USA of #kawasaki syndrome, which is A rare illness reported in children of preschool age (
Our schools like hotels, factories and offices will have to rework big time on the safety protocols and win back the confidence of parents and kids before their business and education imparting responsibility can restart
God forbid if it reaches india , then my fear is the misery inflicted by #covid_19 on our country will rise exponentially and can be unstoppable causing irreversible damage on the most vulnerable section of our population
For the Best Sanitization Tunnel for Schools Click Here
Read our blog on kids safety during coronavirus on
Stay safe and wear a mask
Team Covid Safe India#trn