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Coronavirus Tips | How Covid 19 can Impact Human Rights and Civil Liberties In Democratic Countries Like India & USA -


Coronavirus Tips | How Covid 19 can Impact Human Rights and Civil Liberties In Democratic Countries Like India & USA

History is filled with instances about how during the pandemics, In addition to destruction of citizens physical + mental health, economies and complete overhauls of social and behavioral patterns

Where the leaders in power can change the very fabric of people’s rights and freedoms under the disguise of managing the epidemic outbreaks to safeguard their political careers and change status of democratic elected governments to authoritarian regimes and #coronavirus yesterday took its 1st casualty, where street fights erupted after the Death of George Floyd between protesters and police personnel came out in open and is quickly spreading to store looting and attacks on media (press freedom)

Today’s Human Rights Violations Are The Causes of Tomorrow’s Conflicts 

Migrant Workers | Migrant Labour | migrants in India

Where the leaders in power can change the very fabric of people’s rights and freedoms under the disguise of managing the epidemic outbreaks to safeguard their political careers and change status of democratic elected governments to authoritarian regimes and #coronavirus yesterday took its 1st casualty, where street fights erupted after the Death of George Floyd between protesters and police personnel came out in open and is quickly spreading to store looting and attacks on media (press freedom)

In context of India’s response in enforcing what can be described as the World’s strictest #lockdown for 135 crore citizens, which also brought with it huge divisions between migrants and their employers, families made to walk for 1000 of kilometers to reach back their homes, no food, no water, no means of transport, no financial and direct monetary aid from government, loss of employment, self esteem, pride and meanings of life , sudden snap of kids education and with no immediate hope of how and when their kids will resume their studies and upon reaching back their villages, not being allowed to enter homes due to fear of bringing the corona virus back with them from cities to villages, The list is long and steadily increasing.

Migrant Workers | Migrant Meaning
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The poor migrants are feeling disowned by the elected governments which on one hand is flying in thousands of people from around the world on specially dedicated flights and on the other hand couldn’t arrange running of buses and trains between states to offer the migrants a safe and comfortable journey back to their homes

And if the relief and rehabilitation offering by the government is not fastened and tweaked for benefits to reach the needy quickly and issues pertaining to their jobs, incomes, food, health, hygiene and education of the most vulnerable section of our society is not managed well , can result in immediate transformation of a health crisis into a massive and very complex hunger, poverty and humanitarian crisis.