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How Coronavirus India Is Impacting Millions Of Urban & Rural Children Of India​ -


How Coronavirus India Is Impacting Millions Of Urban & Rural Children

If there’s one segment of the population, which has been impacted harder than the others during the coronavirus, it’s to be children and kids. Many Parents asks Can their babies be infected by coronavirus?

See how their lives have changed upside down in 90 days

  1. They can’t go out and play in the parks
  2. Their school learning experience coined with peer to peer growth has come to a virtual standstill
  3. Spending more time in fronts of the computer screens for studies and entertainment consumption, may result in poor eyesight as they grow
  4. The self esteem of the poor kids been damaged beyond repair in india where they along with their parents have to walk 1000 of kms without food, water and any comfort or compassion offered by government
  5. May force huge number of children early into the employment and labor markets , making them susceptible to exploitation at work places
  6. Also with regards to India, huge dropouts from schooling , means gains made on child education during the last 2.5 decades, may evaporate into thin year
  7. Many poor children, on the streets begging already as their parents have no jobs or means left to feed them well
  8. Disturbing images are flowing in from various parts of the country, highlighting two instances- where A kid at a train station after a night long sleep tried waking up her mother, who passed away during the night due to hunger/corona virus and secondly A mother walking on foot from Punjab to Uttar pradesh in tow with her young when he felt like sleeping had to place the young child on the suitcase using it as a mobile bed,  and without stopping at a roadside shelter as she  wanted to cover as much distance as possible due to favorable weather condition that day  and was trying to reach home as soon as possible (Disturbing images, keep away from kids while watching)
  9. Reading habits have taken a huge beating as book stores and online deliveries have slowed down
  10. Interaction with their cousins , relatives has vanished, all vital components for mental well being
  11. With weak immune systems , the children along with elderly are the most vulnerable targets of corona virus
  12. Eating habits and patterns are changing and combined with lack of physical activity, kids are gaining weight and becoming more obesse
  13. Time management and day planning schedules completely thrown out of the window , leading to big behavior changes in their eat, play, learn and sleep patterns
  14. More and more kids are now expected to contribute in daily household chores and help overburdened parents with kitchen and cleaning tasks at home, conflicting with study time
  15. Landmark events such as kids Birthday have also moved online and more and more kids find having to remain content with just virtual celebrations and means + methods + avenues of joy down to very restricted levels

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