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Workplace Safety Blog after Corona

The New Learnings after Coronavirus

The Entire corporate community including the biggest brands around the world  after being knocked down by the dreaded CoronaVirus for almost 2 months is planning to resume operations as more and more governments the world over are now mulling the opening of the economic activity, which has been hit harder and has impacted more people economically, socially, mentally and emotionally than this horrible disease.

The organizational leaders when the offices open will have more than handful of additional tasks up their sleeves as they’ll not only have to bring the revenues back at A great speed but also ensure the morale of their teams around the world is brought back at the earliest to their best productive levels

Here are the new 4P’s , which we feel the CEO/CFO/CHRO  will have to  focus most upon resumption of workplaces in the post Covid Era:

Safety of People

With new workplace guidelines coming into play issued by all the governments the world over where facemask, gloves fullbody suits, customized facemasks & hygiene kits will become part of the corporate uniforms/attire and employees who don’t follow these will face strict disciplinary actions and will become part of their KRA’s.

Safety of Places

Fully aware of that one breakout or new case can abruptly crashland the resumption of their entire operations again, office/factories/call centres/hotels/airports/restaurants- all leaders will have to ensure that they offer safe workplace experience to their teams, also going forward A safe place to work will help the organizations to attract the best talent as employees will also become conscious of  safety of the workplace locations before taking up the campus placement offers, collaborations will also take place between companies and manufacturers/wholesale suppliers of N95/KN95/95 quality corona masks in Delhi, Goa, Andhra Pradesh who can ensure bulk supplies of these PPE safety equipment to organizations with huge focus on quality.

Safety of Products

One big task which the brands will have to do will be to win back the faith of their customers, who will start judging the brands and products on safety and hygiene over price, availability and convenience of buying.

Whats’s clearly visible at this stage is that almost all big global brands have missed this major change that they need to undertake and spending majority of their time drawing plans on how to fight the terrible corona virus and in the process making little use of their innovation and energy to launch corona safe products , For E.g – Very keen to see how and when A car maker can come out with A corona safe mobility solution or A  Air conditioning brand announces bacteria free coolingsolution 


The Biggest Effort will be needed to restore the badly knocked down,  but actually the biggest and the most important P to the shareholders and promoters- Profitability- this coronavirus  has caught majority of the global corporate leaders off guard and as high as 90% of the leaders were taken aback upon finding no or terribly weak risk planning /assessments of the invisible threats faced by the companies/brands the world over – the 60 day business closure has ensured that almost no company around the world will be able to meet their revenue projections for the full Financial year which will only result in A much longer path to projected profitability levels

#business #operations #aftercorona #financials #HRpolicy #corporate #safety #process #employeesafety #confidence #Hygiene #Sanitization #Facemasks #HRpolicy #HRMrules #Employeewelfare # Health & Safety of Employees #Organinzations #Brands # Newworld #Newnormal # reusable masks #cotton masks # washable masks # masks manufacturer in India with corporate logo & branding

Best Regards,

Jeevan Jagga

Founder & ceo

Covidsafe india


Mob: + 91-98103 01515

“It takes 20 years to build a reputation and five minutes to ruin it. If you think about that, you’ll do things differently”

Warren Buffettor