Image Of The Year 2020: Potato Getting Ready for A Haircut
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#Clicked by Photographer Ray Spence and Titled “End Of The Lockdown”
The #potato getting ready for a #haircut wins the Potato Photograph of The Year 2020 Award
Announcing the winner , Nigel Atherton , Editor of the magazine #amateurphotographer said
“This picture manages to introduce a topical lockdown obsession to the brief of photographing a potato, “It takes a great imagination to see a sprouting potato as a head covered with hair, and there is a lot of humour in the way the picture has been executed.”
In addition to #priceless bragging rights, Spence wins a Fujifilm X-A7, 12 months membership to the Royal Photographic Society, a full-day workshop with photographer Benedict Brain in Bath, and a 3-year ‘master-level’ Photocrowd subscription. Not a bad deal given that submitting a photo cost him only a £5 ($6.50) donation to the food bank.
#photography #awardwinner #creative #socialmedia #growthhacks #digitalmarketing #contentmarketing #photographer #contest #coronavirus #showmustgoon #interesting #humor #thinker #mobile #canon #fuji #sony #outofthebox #engagement #learning #workfromhome #hope #joy #peace #freedom #studio #design #haircut #salon #men #grooming #lifestyle #hygiene #safetyfirst #socialdistancing #happynews #Coronavirus